Osaka Comic con
Main Image illustration contest!!!

Tokyo Comic con Main Image illustration contest!!! | 大阪コミコン

※ The image above is the main visual for 2024

Contest detail

募集内容 大阪コミコン2025の顔となる、メインビジュアルのデザインを募集致します。
賞 品
  • グランプリ(1名)
    大阪コミコン2025 アーティストアレイ1ブース
  • 準グランプリ(1名)
    大阪コミコン2025 3DAY PASS(ペア)
  • 優秀賞(最大10名)
    大阪コミコン2025 一般入場チケット(ペア)
応募期間 2024年10月29日(火)~2025年1月31日(金)23:59迄
応募資格 プロ・アマを問わずどなたでも応募可。(但し未成年者は保護者の承諾を要す)


〔作品サイズ〕A1サイズ:縦(594mm × 841mm)/解像度350dpi/CMYK

  • 〈データ提出〉
  • お問い合わせ
結果発表 2025年2月中旬頃予定、実行委員会による厳選な審査後、公式サイトにて発表。
応募規約 ・個人情報の開示、提供について

※応募作品の権利は株式会社 大阪コミックコンベンションへ完全譲渡とさせて頂きます。
注意事項 ※ご提出頂く作品は、他社の既存キャラクターを使用していない、作者様ご自身のオリジナル作品でご提出をお願いいたします。
主 催 大阪コミックコンベンション実行委員会
免責事項 下記の事項により受賞者が被った被害について、当社はその責任を負わないものとします。

Mail Form

*Required items

Group / school name
Mail address
Mail address
(Please enter again for confirmation)
File upload address
(In the case of data submission, please specify the URL)
Artwork concept
I agree to the following terms

Privacy Policy

Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd. (the Company) will comply to laws, guidelines and other regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information, and will hereby obtain personal information in accordance with below policies.

1. Organization

Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd

2. Personal information protection manager

Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd. Personal Information Office Mitsuaki Munegumi

3. Purpose for use of personal information.

(1) Provision of information related to special events, cooperation, and exhibiting at Osaka Comic Convention (TCC).
(2) Provision of newsletters, and request of comments, opinions, questionnaire.
(3) Other usage related to notification from the office and enquiries.

4. Provision of personal information to third parties.

Personal information may be shared among third parties upon obtaining consent from each individual member (the Member). The Member will be provided with the third parties’ company/ organization name, and notification on the items of personal information that will be provided.

5. Management of personal information.

The Company may outsource the hanarticleing of personal information as necessary to a third party on the condition that they have agreed to a nondisclosure agreement. Due to operational reasons, exhibitor’s information may be provided to contractors conducting construction and/ or management work. The Company may use the obtained personal information as materials in, but not limited to, its articles and videos.

6. The Members may choose not to provide their personal information.

However in such cases, certain products and services may not be available.

7. Collection of personal information by non-consensual methods.

The Company’s website and other networking services may automatically collect user access information by using IP apresses, cookies, and web beacons.

8. Point of contact

Request for disclosure, correction, and suspension of the usage of personal information shall be sent to the personal information protection manager of the Company.